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Text File | 1995-04-20 | 55.2 KB | 1,780 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.protocols.snmp,comp.answers,news.answers
- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.mathworks.com!news.alpha.net!uwm.edu!psuvax1!news.pop.psu.edu!news.cac.psu.edu!newsserver.jvnc.net!jvnc.net!seltd!panther
- From: panther@seltd.jvnc.net (Panther Digital)
- Subject: comp.protocols.snmp [SNMP] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Message-ID: <D6KIy0.43E@tigger.jvnc.net>
- Followup-To: comp.protocols.snmp
- Summary: Introduction to SNMP & comp.protocols.snmp newsgroup
- Lines: 1773
- Sender: news@tigger.jvnc.net (Zee News Genie)
- Supersedes: <D51DHy.3B3@tigger.jvnc.net>
- Reply-To: panther@seltd.newnet.com
- Organization: Panther Digital Corporation, Danbury, Connecticut USA
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 15:27:36 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Wed, 17 May 1995 05:00:00 GMT
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu comp.protocols.snmp:4256 comp.answers:11044 news.answers:41366
- Archive-name: snmp-faq
- Last-Modified: 5 Apr 1995
- Version: 1.29
- comp.protocols.snmp
- -------------------
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
- Simple Network Management Protocol
- ----------------------------------
- This document is provided as a service by and for the readers
- of Internet USENET news group comp.protocols.snmp and may be
- used for research and educational purposes only. Any commercial
- use of the text may be in violation of copyright laws under
- the terms of the Berne Convention.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Please feel free to EMail corrections, enhancements, and/or
- additions to the Reply-To address, above. Your input will
- receive full credit in this FAQ unless you request otherwise.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- New this month:
- ---------------
- > Miscellaneous corrections submitted by readers
- Note on host names and addresses: please email me with any changes
- to host names and IP addresses. The MIT host rtfm has an autoresponder
- which always replies to postings with an incorrect IP. It would be
- nice if every host had that, but they don't, so I need your assistance.
- -----------------
- @0. What is the purpose of this FAQ?
- ------------------------------------
- @I. General Questions about SNMP and SNMPv2
- -------------------------------------------
- @1. What is SNMP?
- @2. What is an RFC?
- @3. Where can I get RFC text?
- @4. What books are there which cover SNMP?
- @5. What periodicals are heavily oriented to SNMP?
- @6. What classes are available on the topic of SNMP?
- @7. Who are some leading authorities of SNMP?
- @8. What discussion groups are available for SNMP?
- @9. What trade shows cater to SNMP?
- @10. What SNMP product User Groups are available.
- @11. Where can I find SNMP-related material on WWW?
- @20. What is SNMPv2?
- @30. What is RMON?
- @40. What is CMIP?
- @41. What books should I read about CMIP?
- @50. What is OMNIPoint?
- @II. SNMP Software and Related Products
- ----------------------------------------
- @1. Where can I get SNMP software?
- @2. What CMIP software is available?
- -----------
- @1. What is a MIB?
- @2. What are MIB-I and MIB-II
- @3. What are enterprise MIBs?
- @4. Where can I get enterprise MIBs?
- @5. How can I register an enterprise MIB?
- @5a. Where can I find the current Enterprise Number Assignments?
- @6. What is the SMI?
- @7. What is ASN.1?
- @Appendix A. Glossary
- @Appendix B. Acknowledgements & Credits
- Subject: C O N T E N T S
- - - - - - - - -
- @0.
- Subject: What is the purpose of this FAQ?
- ----------------------------------------
- This FAQ is to serve as a guide to the resources known to
- be available for helping you to understand SNMP, SNMPv2,
- and their related technologies. OSI/CMIP is touched on
- briefly as well because we're fair-minded folk.
- There is NO INTENT that this be a one-stop SNMP tutorial.
- You WILL need to read the books listed herein, maybe even
- some of the RFCs. You may wish to take a class as well.
- Just think of this as your "tourist guide book."
- This FAQ is archived (as with all "licensed" FAQs) at
- rtfm.mit.edu [] under /pub/usenet/news.answers
- as snmp-faq, or under /pub/usenet/comp.protocols.snmp as
- its own self (the only file in that directory). Use
- anonymous ftp to retrieve. What? No ftp? Send e-mail to
- mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- with
- "send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources"
- for instructions on FTP via e-mail.
- @I.
- Subject: General Questions about SNMP and SNMPv2
- -----------------------------------------------
- @1.
- Subject: What is SNMP?
- ----------------
- The Simple Network Management Protocol is a protocol for
- Internet network management services. It is formally
- specified in a series of related RFC documents.
- RFC 1089 - SNMP over Ethernet
- RFC 1140 - IAB Official Protocol Standards
- RFC 1147 - Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP
- Internets and Interconnected Devices
- [superceded by RFC 1470]
- RFC 1155 - Structure and Identification of Management
- Information for TCP/IP based internets.
- RFC 1156 - Management Information Base Network
- Management of TCP/IP based internets
- RFC 1157 - A Simple Network Managment Protocol
- RFC 1158 - Management Information Base Network
- Management of TCP/IP based internets: MIB-II
- RFC 1161 - SNMP over OSI
- RFC 1212 - Concise MIB Definitions
- RFC 1213 - Management Information Base for Network Management
- of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II
- RFC 1215 - A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP
- RFC 1298 - SNMP over IPX
- @2.
- Subject: What is an RFC?
- ------------------
- The letters stand for the title Request For Comment, which
- is the initial stage in the process for creating Internet
- standards. RFCs go through several stages of review and
- refinement before they are adopted as final by the Internet
- community.
- @3.
- Subject: Where can I get RFC text?
- ==============================================================
- RFC-Info Simplified Help submitted by: Mark Wallace
- -----------------------
- Use RFC-Info by sending an email messages to RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU.
- 1. To get a specific RFC send a message with text as follows:
- Retrieve: RFC
- Doc-ID: RFC1500
- This gets RFC 1500. All RFC numbers in the Doc-Id are 4 digits
- (RFC 791 would be Doc-ID: RFC0791).
- 2. To get a specific FYI send a message with text as follows:
- Retrieve: FYI
- Doc-ID: FYI0004
- 3. To get a list of available RFC's that match a certain criteria:
- Keywords: Gateway
- Returns a list of RFC's with the word Gateway in the title or
- specified as a keyword.
- 4. To get information about other ways to get RFCs, FYIs, STDs, or
- IMRs.
- HELP: ways_to_get_rfcs
- HELP: ways_to_get_fyis
- HELP: ways_to_get_stds
- HELP: ways_to_get_imrs
- 5. To get help about using RFC-Info:
- HELP: help
- or
- HELP: topics
- ===============================================================
- An archie search for the keyword "rfc" turned up 99 hits.
- A few of the more prominent or amusing are shown below:
- animal-farm.nevada.edu
- cs.columbia.edu
- ftp.internic.net
- ftp.uu.net
- merit.edu
- nic.ddn.mil - note: avoid using this one, it's SLOW
- nis.nsf.net
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk
- venera.isi.edu
- world.std.com
- munnari.oz.au \___ Pacific Rim Sites use these
- archie.au /
- A. Use anonymous ftp & look for rfc or pub/rfc directories above.
- Details on obtaining RFCs via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending
- an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body
- "help: ways_to_get_rfcs". For example:
- >> To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
- >> Subject: getting rfcs
- >> help: ways_to_get_rfcs
- B. You can get a CD Rom with all the RFC's as of the date of the
- CD ROM (Mar 93) from :
- Info Magic
- POB 338
- Pennington, NJ 08534-0338
- (800) 800-6613
- (609) 683-5501
- Title is 'The Internet CD-ROM' (around $50)
- Includes sources for BSD 4.3 and GNU.
- C. In Germany and Europe, try Christian Seyb:
- "I also offer a CDROM with all RFC's as of the date
- of beginning of Aug 93."
- The following CDROM is available for DM 98,-- (app. $60) and contains
- the following software:
- - Linux SLS V1.03, Kernel 0.99.11 and utilities for Linux
- - 386BSD version 0.1 including patch-kit 0.2.4
- - NetBSD version 0.8
- - Utilities for 386BSD and NetBSD
- - The Berkely Second Networking Distribution
- - GNU software (gcc 2.4.5, emacs 19.17, gmake 3.68, etc)
- - X11R5 up to patch 25 and lots of Contributed Software
- - TeX version 3.14
- - The Internet RFCs up to RFC1493
- - News, mail and mailbox software and many utilities for Unix
- Issue: Aug 1993
- Contact:
- CDROM Versand
- Helga Seyb
- Fuchsweg 86
- Tel: +49-8106-302210
- 85598 Baldham Fax: +49-8106-302310
- Germany Bbs/Fax: +49-8106-34593
- Christian Seyb | cs@gold.muc.de | Mailbox/uucp/Fax: 08106-34593
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Dr. Sidnie Feit writes:
- You might want to mention the authoritative site:
- ds.internic.net
- Below is a quote from the gopher file:
- gopher://ds1.internic.net:70/00/internic.info/access.info
- "Anonymous FTP
- -------------
- All publically-accessible files are available via anonymous FTP.
- Please use the word "anonymous" as the login and your email address as the
- password."
- (NOTE: login ID ftp works too.)
- "Electronic Mail
- ---------------
- An electronic mail application, developed by AT&T, is available which
- provides batch access to our services. To obtain user information, send mail
- to mailserv@ds.internic.net and include the command HELP in the body of the
- message.
- ---
- All publically-accessible files are available via WWW. The URL is
- http://ds.internic.net/
- Gopher
- ------
- The InterNIC Directory and Database Services collection of Directory of
- Directories Listings, Internet Documents such as RFCs, FYIs, STDs and
- Internet Drafts, and Publically Accessible Databases are available via
- Gopher... "
- ============================
- @4.
- Subject: What books are there which cover SNMP?
- -----------------------------------------
- A. The Simple Book: An Introduction to Managment
- of TCP/IP-based Internets
- by: Marshall T. Rose
- ISBN 0-13-812611-9
- (c) 1991 Prentice-Hall, Inc
- And ...
- The Simple Book: (Second Edition)
- by: Marshall T. Rose
- ISBN 0-13-177254-6
- Prentice-Hall copyright 1994
- B. SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The Practical Guide to
- Network Management Standards
- by: William Stallings
- ISBN 0-201-63331-0
- (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Inc
- >>A second printing of
- >>SNMP, SNMPv2, and CMIP: The Practical Guide to Network Management
- (Addison-Wesley, 1993)
- >>is now in bookstores. A number of errata in the first printing have been
- >>corrected. None of these are "fatal" but they were a nuisance. For anyone
- >>with a first printing, an errata sheet is available via anonymous ftp in
- the file SNMP.errata in directory ftp/pub on aw.com.
- >>Bill Stallings
- >>72500.3562@compuserve.com
- C. Network Management: A Practical Perspective
- by: Allan Leinwand & Karen Fang
- ISBN 0-201-52771-5
- (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Inc
- D. Internetworking with TCP/IP (3 Volumes)
- Volume 1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
- by: Douglas E. Comer
- ISBN 0-13-468505-9 (Note: 2nd Edition)
- Volume 2: Design, Implementation, and Internals
- by: Douglas E. Comer and David Stevens
- ISBN 0-13-472242-6
- (c) 1991 Prentice-Hall, Inc
- Volume 3: Client-Server Programming and Applications
- by: Douglas E. Comer and David Stevens
- ISBN 0-13-474222-2 (Note: BSD Socket Version)
- (c) 1993 Prentice-Hall, Inc
- E. Managing Internetworks with SNMP
- by: Mark A. Miller, P.E.
- ISBN 1-55851-304-3
- (c) 1993 M&T Books, New York, NY
- F. Open Systems Networking: OSI & TCP/IP
- by: David Piscitello & A. L. Chapin
- ISBN 0-201-56334-7
- (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley
- While largely about OSI, this book contains
- lots of stuff about TCP/IP and SNMP as well.
- G. Total SNMP
- by: Sean Harnedy
- ISBN 1-878956-33-7
- (c) 1994 CPM Books, 1300 Virginia Drive, 3rd Floor
- Fort Washington, PA 19034
- H. How to Manage Your Network using SNMP
- by: Marshall T. Rose & Keith McCloghrie
- ISBN 0-13-141517-4
- (c) 1995 P T R Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
- I. SNMP: A Guide to Network Management
- by: Sidnie Feit
- McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-020359-8
- @5.
- Subject: What periodicals are heavily oriented to SNMP?
- --------------------------------------------------
- A. One bi-monthly newsletter is "SIMPLE TIMES".
- You can subscribe via email at
- st-subscriptions@simple-times.org
- Use HELP on the Subject line for details.
- Note: Simple Times has suspended publication
- until Spring of 1995
- B. ConneXions, The Interoperability Report
- 480 San Antonio Road, Suite 100
- Mountain View, CA 94040
- Ph: 415-941-3399
- Fx: 415-949-1779
- @6.
- Subject: What classes are available on the topic of SNMP?
- ----------------------------------------------------
- A. ZD Expos (formerly: Interop Company)
- 303 Vintage Park Drive
- Foster City, CA 94404
- 415-578-6986
- EMail: onsite@interop.com
- B. William Stallings offers videotaped classes.
- contact info:
- email: ws@shore.net
- C. Network World Technical Seminars
- Ph: 800-643-4668 (direct: 508-820-7493)
- Fx: 800-756-9430
- [Fax back line, ask for document 55]
- @7.
- Subject: Who are some leading authorities of SNMP?
- ----------------------------------------
- [Contributions will be noted as time permits]
- A. Authors of Key RFCs
- Jeffrey D. Case
- James R. Davin
- Michael A. Erlinger
- Mark S. Fedor
- Keith McCloghrie
- Marshall T. Rose
- Martin L. Schoffstall
- Steven Waldbusser
- B. Authors of Related Material
- A. L. Chapin
- Edwin E. Meir
- David M. Piscitello
- William Stallings
- C. Others of Note
- Vinton G. Cerf
- David D. Clark
- @8.
- Subject: What discussion groups are available for SNMP?
- -------------------------------------------------
- The basic discussion groups are:
- snmp@psi.com Covers SNMP V1.
- snmp2@tis.com Covers SNMP V2.
- SNMP Mailing Lists.
- SNMPv1
- To add yourself to the SNMPv1 mailing list send an email message with
- the title subscribe and containing your preferred email address in the
- body to snmp-request@psi.com eg.
- mail snmp-request@psi.com
- subject: subscribe
- n.user@fred.com
- To remove yourself send an unsubscribe message to the same address.
- If you want to post a message to all of the current subscribers to
- the list (and there are hundreds) the address is snmp@psi.com.
- SNMPv2
- To add yourself to the SNMPv2 mailing list send an email message with
- the title subscribe and containing your preferred email address in the
- body to snmpv2-request@tis.com eg.
- mail snmpv2-request@tis.com
- subject: subscribe
- n.user@fred.com
- To remove yourself send an unsubscribe message to the same address.
- If you want to post a message to all of the current subscribers to
- the list (and there are many) the address is snmpv2@tis.com.
- @9.
- Subject: What trade shows cater to SNMP?
- -----------------------------------
- These days nearly every networking trade show in the
- US, and many outside the US, covers the SNMP market.
- The grandparent of them all, and still the champ in
- many ways, is Interop. Interop was sold by its
- founder, Dan Lynch to Ziff-Davis Exposition and Conference Co
- and has been combined with Networld:
- And, Ziff-Davis has sold it to Softbank Expos. Same address, etc.
- Networld & Interop
- Phone: 800-488-2883
- Fax: 415-525-0199
- Mail Registration:
- ------------------
- SOFTBANK Expositions
- Attn: Registration Department
- PO Box 5855
- San Mateo, CA 94402-0855
- Parent Company:
- ------------------
- SOFTBANK Exposition and Conference Co
- 303 Vintage Park Drive
- Foster City, CA 94404
- 415-578-6900
- Fax: 415-525-0194
- @10.
- Subject: What SNMP Product User Groups Are There?
- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------
- For owners of a run time license to HP OpenView, there
- is the the OpenView Forum (a yearly fee is charged).
- Contact:
- Richard C. "Rick" Sturm, OV Forum President, at
- U.S. West Advanced Technologies
- 4001 Discovery Drive
- Suite 190
- Boulder, CO 80303
- 303-541-6262
- Fax: 303-541-6250
- EMail: sturm@advtech.uswest.com
- SUNNET MANAGER (revised 3/95):
- -------------------------------
- If you wish to subscribe to snm-people, send a message to
- listproc@zippy.Telcom.Arizona.EDU with no subject, containing only the words:
- subscribe snm-people "Kent F Enders"
- [^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
- [Editor's note: we assume this should be your name here!]
- If you wish to unsubscribe from snm-people, send the message:
- unsubscribe snm-people
- For more information on using listproc, send the message:
- help
- This list is devoted to the issues revolving around the use of the SunNet
- Manager Software package.
- An anonymous FTP area is setup on Zippy.Telcom.Arizona.EDU (
- Look in ~/pub/snm.
- For those users that do not have access to ftp directly, zippy also supports
- ftps by mail. If you want to try it out send an email message with the
- word `help' in the body of the message for some instructions. Send that
- email message to ftpmail@zippy.telcom.arizona.edu.
- An archive of the mail messages sent to the list subscribers is maintained as
- well. To get an index of these messages send a message to
- listproc@zippy.telcom.arizona.edu with a single line message of:
- To remove your name from the mailing list send a one line mail message to
- listproc@zippy.telcom.arizona.edu. The message should contain the line:
- To receive a list of the commands for the listproc send a message to
- listproc@zippy.telcom.arizona.edu with a message of:
- To send a message to the list send mail to snm-people@zippy.telcom.arizona.edu
- @11.
- Subject: Where can I find SNMP-related material on WWW?
- ------------------------------------------------------
- [from comp.dcom.net-management...]
- it's best if you check out the following www page: it's devoted to network
- management and contains an excellent overview and links to all the different
- organisations and commitees:
- http://smurfland.cit.buffalo.edu/NetMan/index.html
- Andreas Weder
- awe@zurich.ibm.com
- [the following www pages have been extracted from
- elsewhere in this FAQ list ...]
- Re: HNMS:
- http:/snmp.cs.uwtente.nl/
- Re: The tkined & scotty network management system:
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/cgi-bin/sbrowser.cgi
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/scotty/tcl+snmp.html
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/tkined/
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/scotty/
- Re: FTP Software:
- http://www.ftp.com
- 12 - 19 Reserved
- @20.
- Subject: What is SNMPv2?
- ------------------
- SNMPv2 is a revised protocol (not just a new MIB)
- which includes improvements to SNMP in the areas
- of performance, security, confidentiality, and
- manager-to-manager communications.
- SNMPv2 Framework :
- The following RFC's identify the major components of SNMPv2.
- RFC 1441 - Introduction to SNMP v2
- RFC 1442 - SMI For SNMP v2
- RFC 1443 - Textual Conventions for SNMP v2
- RFC 1444 - Conformance Statements for SNMP v2
- RFC 1445 - Administrative Model for SNMP v2
- RFC 1446 - Security Protocols for SNMP v2
- RFC 1447 - Party MIB for SNMP v2
- RFC 1448 - Protocol Operations for SNMP v2
- RFC 1449 - Transoport Mappings for SNMP v2
- RFC 1450 - MIB for SNMP v2
- RFC 1451 - Manager to Manger MIB
- RFC 1452 - Coexistance between SNMP v1 and SNMP v2
- 21 - 29 Reserved
- @30.
- Subject: What is RMON?
- ----------------
- The Remote Network Monitoring MIB is a SNMP MIB for remote management of
- networks. While other MIBs usually are created to support a network
- device whose primary function is other than management, RMON was created
- to provide management of a network. RMON is one of the many SNMP
- based MIBs that are on the IETF Standards track.
- @31. RMON Standardization Status
- --------------------------------
- RMON is one of the many SNMP based MIBs that are on the IETF Standards
- track (RFC 1310). Currently (Jan 94) RMON has two instantiations in the
- IETF standards process. First, RFC 1271 - a Proposed Standard, specifies
- the general structure of RMON and the particulars of an Ethernet based
- RMON agent. RFC 1513 - a Proposed Standard specifies the additional RMON
- groups and specifics for a Token Ring network.
- @32. RMON Working Group.
- ------------------------
- The RMON Working Group is an IETF Working Group under the Network
- Management Area. The WG meets periodically - usually at all IETF
- meetings. The WG maintains a mailing list for Questions and
- Comments concerning
- Mail List: rmonmib@cs.hmc.edu
- @33. Joining the RMON Working Group Mailing List
- -----------------------------------------------
- To join the RMON Working Group mailing list, send mail to:
- Mail List Requets: rmonmib-request@jarthur.claremont.edu.
- DO NOT send a request to join message to the general mailing list.
- @34. Historical RMON Records
- -----------------------------
- There are copies of the RMON mailing list messages and meeting minutes
- within the IETF archive structure - available at various sites.
- There is also a RMON archive directory which can be accessed via
- anonymous ftp at:
- jarthur.cs.hmc.edu, directory /pub/rmon
- @35. RMON Documents
- -----------------------
- 1. RMON White Paper in the anonymous ftp directory at
- jarthur.cs.hmc.edu. There are two formats: frame and postscript.
- This paper was developed by members of the RMON working group
- prior to an Interop. It is a superficial discussion of RMON.
- 2. Chapter 7 in "SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The Practical Guide to Network
- Management Standards" by William Stallings, (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley,
- goes into some detail on the RMON MIB.
- @36-39 Reserved
- --------------
- @40.
- Subject: What is CMIP?
- ----------------
- YES, we do need to mention it here!
- Paul Rolland writes from France:
- >CMIP is the Common Management Information Protocol.
- >It is an OSI protocol that has been defined for Network Management.
- >It comes together with the CMIS (Commom Management Information Service).
- >This service provides :
- >- monitoring : in this case, you are using CMIP to gain information,
- >- control : you can manipulate objects that you manage,
- >- reporting : Managed objects can tell you something wrong is happening.
- @41.
- Subject: What books should I read about CMIP?
- ---------------------------------------
- The collected OSI specifications are of sufficient bulk
- to sink a small craft in calm waters. Start easy:
- A. The Open Book: A Practical Perspective on OSI
- by: Marshall T. Rose
- ISBN 0-13-643016-3
- (c) 1990 Prentice-Hall, Inc
- B. Open Systems Networking: OSI & TCP/IP
- by: David Piscitello & A. L. Chapin
- ISBN 0-201-56334-7
- (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley
- C. SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The Practical Guide to
- Network Management Standards
- by: William Stallings
- ISBN 0-201-63331-0
- (c) 1993 Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Inc
- 42 - 49 Reserved
- @50.
- Subject: What is OMNIPoint?
- ---------------------------
- "A common approach to the integrated management of
- networked information systems."
- In practical terms, a vehicle for helping to bridge
- the standards gap between SNMP and OSI/CMIP so that
- the end user customer can reap the benefits of both.
- A product of the:
- Network Management Forum
- 40 Morristown Road
- Bernardsville, NJ 07924
- Ph: 908-766-1544
- Fx: 908-766-5741
- A catalog of products is available.
- @II.
- Subject: SNMP Software and Related Products
- @1.
- Subject: Where can I get SNMP software?
- ---------------------------------
- A. Public Domain:
- -----------------
- a. Carnegie-Mellon University
- 4910 Forbes Ave.
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- ftp from lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu (
- both SNMP and SNMPv2 are available.
- b. MIT
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
- ftp from thyme.lcs.mit.edu at /pub/snmp (
- c. Christophe Meessen writes:
- >I've put a small package on a ftp server that relates to SNMP.
- >It is a minimal set of BER assembling/disassembling primitives
- >needed to implement SNMPv1 or SNMPv2.
- >BER compilation primitives compile in reverse. That is they compile from the
- >last byte toward the first byte. This result in the simplest BER
- compilation code.
- >The exact path is ftp.in2p3.fr ( /pub/snmp/ber
- d. NAS HNMS (NAS Hierarchical Network Management System)
- [What follows is a much-edited post from Jude A. George]
- HNMS is the NAS Hierarchical Management System -- an SNMP- and
- X Windows- based software package for monitoring large,
- heterogeneous IP networks.
- [.. deletions here by Tom.. ]
- VERSION 2.0c3
- NOTICE There is a version of the software that we sent to COSMIC,
- which is NASA's technology transfer organization at the University
- of Georgia. As of yet, COSMIC is still putting together their
- distribution.
- Anyone can get a copy of HNMS v2.0c3 directly from COSMIC,
- and expand/revise/modify/redistribute it. However, if you do
- redistribute it, the following provisions are in effect:
- You MAY NOT: make minor changes and re-release the entire
- package with your own copyright.
- You MAY: make make minor changes and copyright only
- the changes.
- You MAY: make major ( > 50% ) changes, and copyright
- the whole work.
- [.. deletions here by Tom.. ]
- For sample screen snapshots, try the following in your favorite
- WWW viewer:
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/heyjude/SCREEN1.gif
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/heyjude/SCREEN2.gif
- There is an HNMS mailing list, maintained by Jason Thorpe at Oregon
- State University. To subscribe to the list, send mail to
- majordomo@maillist.cs.orst.edu,
- [ message body ]
- subscribe hnms-users [your e-mail address, optional]
- For help, send the message body 'help'. Questions about the list may
- be sent to owner-hnms-users@maillist.cs.orst.edu.
- e. The UT-SNMP projectgroup
- ---------------------------
- description: Currently, we are building version 4 of the
- UT-SNMP package. In this new version we initialize the
- PartyMIB by a configuration file(s). The layout of this
- initialization file is defined and described in the
- "SNMPv2 Administrative Configuration Proposal" by Dave
- Perkins and John Seligson (Synoptics).
- Some projectmembers have made software to
- create those configuration file(s) in a very convenient
- manner.
- The software asks some simple questions and
- depending on the input generates the initialization
- file(s).
- package: UT-PERKINS-1_0.tar.Z
- programmers: Martijn Visser & Erwin Bonsma.
- postal: The UT-SNMP projectgroup
- Tele-Informatics and Open Systems Group
- Department of Computer Science
- P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
- voice: +31 53 894099
- email: snmp@cs.utwente.nl
- www: http:/snmp.cs.uwtente.nl/
- ftp: ftp.cs.utwente.nl:/pub/src/snmp/
- f. The tkined & scotty network management system
- ------------------------------------------------
- The Technical University of Braunschweig has developed an
- extensible network management platform which uses the
- Tool Command Language (Tcl) as its primary extensions
- language.
- The tkined network editor is the graphical user interface
- which integrates applications that are usually written as
- Tcl scripts based on the scotty Tcl extension. scotty provides
- access to SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 and a number of well known
- Internet services like DNS, various ICMP packets, NTP, TCP,
- UDP, SUN RPCs (mount, rstat, portmap) etc.
- Applications distributed with the scotty and tkined sources
- include network discovery, trouble-shooting applications,
- event filter, SNMP MIB browser etc. An experimental MIB browser
- is also available via WWW using the URL:
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/cgi-bin/sbrowser.cgi
- The SNMP Tcl extension uses a SNMPv1/v2 protocol stack written
- from scratch which was designed to directly support our Tcl API.
- This provides a portable and fast implementation. A brief history
- on SNMP Tcl extension is available using the URL:
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/scotty/tcl+snmp.html
- Information about the current status of the project, the mailing
- list and the availability of our software can be found at:
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/tkined/
- http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/ibr/projects/nm/scotty/
- g. SNMPt and the WILMA package
- SNMPt-1.4 (Toolkit kernel)
- --------------------------
- - *FULL* documentation in *ENGLISH* (about 130 pages)
- - compiles on HP, SUN4.1.3, LINUX, AIX
- - includes the counters of the snmp group of the MIB-II
- - source for 'barefoot' manager commands:
- + snmpget
- + snmpset
- + snmpnext
- + snmpwalk
- + snmptrap
- - error handling improved
- - goodies: TCP and TELNET support for client/server management
- MibCompiler-1.2 (ASN.1 compiler kernel)
- ---------------------------------------
- - precompiled versions available for
- + HP/UX 9.0 (MC680x0, HP-PA)
- + Linux
- SimAgent-1.1 (Agent simulator for test purposes)
- ------------------------------------------------
- - uses MibCompiler-1.2
- mibc-1.2 (MIB compiler)
- -----------------------
- - some bugs have been removed
- - compatible with SNMPt-1.4
- snmpm-3.2 (MIB browser)
- -----------------------
- - new layout of the windows
- - menu always visible
- - 'find' function
- - can send SET REQUESTS
- - merges and displays MIBs found on agents and on the compiler
- - now ANSI-C source
- - many bugs have been removed
- mibII-1.1 (MIB-II agent)
- ------------------------
- - uses SNMPt-1.4
- - now, two groups of the standard are supported
- (some others still missing - sorry)
- Xldv-1.2 (widgets)
- ------------------
- - fully ANSI-C
- - use mmak-5.2
- SMI-1.0 (ASN.1 definitions for MIBs)
- ------------------------------------
- - header files for mibc
- - some ASN.1 sources of MIBs
- mmak-5.2 (multiplatform project manager and makefile generator)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- - some bugs have been removed
- - recursively scans for #include "xxx.h"
- - supports new platform names
- + hp.pa
- + hp.68k
- + sun
- + linux
- + aix
- - supports an improved version and release management system
- - knows .asn1 files and mibc
- The new releases are available on our ftp server using the standard
- anonymous ftp access (XMosaic access is supported partially by HTML files!).
- ftp.ldv.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de:/dist/WILMA
- For installation read the INSTALLATION_INSTRUCTIONS.html document.
- You may also be interested in what is COMING_SOON.html.
- For questions and comments, send E-Mail to
- wilma@ldv.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de
- i. (from Mark Wallace)
- The comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc faq had this info on a DOS SNMP monitor
- package:
- Downright Speculation
- SNMP monitor Free
- Available at file://sun.soe.clarkson.edu/pub/packet-drivers/snmpsrc.zip.
- Also available at file://enh.nist.gov/misc/snmpsrc.zip, snmpsup.zip,
- snmpsun.tar_Z.
- B. Proprietary:
- ---------------
- a. SNMP Research
- 3001 Kimberlin Heights Road
- Knoxville, TN 37920-9716
- Ph: 615-573-1434
- Fx: 615-573-9197
- Email: John Southwood, john@snmp.com
- SNMP agents, extensible agents, managers, tools, etc.
- In Europe:
- SNMP Research International, Inc
- David Partain, Managing Director
- Teknikringen 1
- S-583 30 Linkoping
- Sweden
- Fax/Phone +46 13 21 18 81
- EMail: partain@europe.snmp.com
- b. Epilogue Technology Corp.
- 11116 Desert Classic Lane
- Albuquerque, NM 87111
- "Envoy(tm), Emissary, Attache, Attache Plus, Ambassador:
- Portable SNMPv1 & SNMPv2 agent/manager, MIB Compiler,
- UDP/IP & TCP/IP protocol stacks, RMON agent"
- Ph: +1-805-650-7107 or (505) 271-9933
- Fax: +1-805-650-7108 or (505) 271-9798
- Email: David Preston, djp@epilogue.com
- Australasian/Pacific Rim Distributor
- Internode Systems Pty Ltd
- 414 Goodwood Road, PO Box 69, Daw Park SA 5041 Australia
- Email: Simon Hackett, simon@internode.com.au [Technical]
- Sales Folk, sales@internode.com.au [Sales]
- Ph: +61-8-373-1020
- Fax: +61-8-373-4911
- c. PEER Networks
- 1190 Saratoga Avenue, suite 130,
- San Jose, Ca. 95129-34433
- Phone 408-556-0720
- Fax 408-556-0735
- EMAIL sales@peer.com
- Providers of [in their words] ...
- "OPTIMA, the multi-protocol, multi-vendor SNMP solution. Includes open,
- configurable protocols and powerful development tools."
- d. Paul Freeman Associates, Inc.
- 14 Pleasant St., P. O. Box 2067
- Westford, MA 01886-5067
- Voice: 508-692-4436
- Email: pwilson@world.std.com
- "Universal SNMP Agent (tm): extensible and portable V1+V2 agent in
- source form for installation on any platform, under any OS, with any
- transport. Also available as drop-in binary with MIB-II for SVR4."
- e. Software Clearing House, Inc.
- [ Deleted, per the company, 3/95. ]
- f. NetPort
- (408) 257-4907 Voice:
- jbartas@sunlight.com email
- NetPort is a vendor of portable SNMP agents & protocol stacks,
- and we also provide SNMP consulting services.
- Also, we will be releasing a series of DOS utilitys as freeware
- (executables will be available for free) in a few weeks. Call
- for details.
- g. Empire Technologies, Inc.
- 500 Northside Circle, NW Suite D7
- Atlanta, GA 30309-2100
- Ph: 404-350-0107
- Fx: 404-351-3638
- Email: Cheryl Krupczak, cheryl@empiretech.com
- MIB Manager(tm) X/Windows NMS tool, Agents for UNIX
- Systems Management and Host Resources MIB, and base
- SNMP agent source code.
- h. FTP Software
- Contact Sales at
- (800) 282-4387,
- EMail to info@ftp.com
- Web server at http://www.ftp.com.
- PC/SNMP Tools is a basic, inexpensive Network Management
- Station software package for DOS PCs. You can build custom
- applications over PC/SNMP Tools using the the SNMP libraries
- in the PC/TCP / OnNet Development Kit.
- i. DMH Software (contact Yigal Hochberg)
- e-mail: 72144.3704@compuserve.com
- 10 Village Lane #6 Tyngsboro, MA 01879
- 1. Advanced portable SNMP Agent engine designed for
- any "hosting-system", with MIB compiler. Highly portable
- 2. A CMU based SNMP Agent portable engine changed and redesigned for
- any "hosting-system". Based on the popular core of the known CMU
- SNMP Agent, includes many improvements. Inexpensive solution.
- 3. DOS based SNMP Manager for SNMP developers. In addition to SNMP also
- includes ping, udp-echo and cookie client.
- Available as a executables or developer tool-kit.
- j. Castle Rock Computing
- 20863 Stevens Creek Blvd
- Cupertino, CA 95014
- 408-366-6540 or 1-800-331-SNMP
- SNMPc is a full-featured SNMP Manager for Windows 3.1
- k. The SNMP WorkShop
- P.O. Box 3949
- Danbury, CT 06813-3949
- 1-800-731-SNMP
- SNMP Edge is an add-on set of utilities for
- use with SNMPc, NETMON for Windows, Sun Net Manager,
- HP OpenView or IBM Netview 6000.
- The WorkShop also sells SNMP products via a direct
- channel. Call or write for a catalog.
- ========================================
- C. General:
- ==========
- Bruce Barnett writes:
- >Here is my list of authoritative sites for SNMP source code....
- >In particular, the MIB II version of CMU's code is available on
- ftp.near.net:/pub/cmu-snmp1.2u.tar.Z -
- Version 1.2(Unofficial) CMU SNMP code. MIB-II support
- >and
- munnari.OZ.AU:pub/cmu-mu-snmp1.5.tar.Z
- MIB-II enhancements to CMU's SNMPv1 API
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- SNMP Archives summary. Maintained by Bruce Barnett <barnett@crd.ge.com>
- The following are FTP sites for various packages...
- lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu:/pub/snmp-dist/*
- snmp2.1.2.tar
- CMU SNMP v2 source (Library, agent, mid-level agent,
- Tcl/Tk interface, net management routines)
- ftp.ics.uci.edu:mrose/isode-snmpV2/isode-snmpV2.tar.Z
- 4BSD/ISODE 8.0 SNMPv2 package
- dnpap.et.tudelft.nl:/pub/btng
- Contains:
- RMON agent for OS/2, SunOS 4.1.X, & Ultrix 4.1
- Tricklet (Perl-based SNMP tool for Unix or OS/2)
- nic.nikhef.nl:~ftp/pub/monet/monet-0.10.tar.Z
- Xmonet network monitoring tools
- ftp.synoptics.com:/eng/mibcompiler/src.tar.Z
- SMIC - MIB Compiler
- ftp.synoptics.com:/eng/mibcompiler/mibs.tar.Z -
- Public MIBS
- munnari.OZ.AU:pub/cmu-mu-snmp1.5.tar.Z
- MIB-II enhancements to CMU's SNMPv1 AP
- --- removed erroneous reference to ncgia.ucsb.edu "xsnmp"
- ftp.cs.ubc.ca:/pub/local/src/snacc
- SNACC - MIB compiler with MIB-II Macros and C, C++ BER routines.
- venera.isi.edu:/ftp/mib various
- Public MIBS
- ftp.cisco.com:
- MIBS for CISCO routers
- ftp.near.net:/pub/cmu-snmp1.2u.tar.Z -
- Version 1.2(Unofficial) CMU SNMP code. MIB-II support
- zippy.telcom.arizona.edu:/pub/snm/agents/*
- Schema and oid for SunNet Manager
- ptt.lcs.mit.edu:/pub/snmp - MIT SNMP code - MIB-II
- gatekeeper.dec.com:/private/mib - Source of MIBs for DEC products.
- nexus.yorku.ca:~/pub/tcl_snmp Tcl/Tk interface to SNMP
- ctron.com:/pub/management/mibs - Cabletron MIBS
- loki.oar.net:/pub/xnetdb - Xnetdb "A network database and monitoring tool"
- by henryc@oar.net
- X-based network monitoring system with an integrated database which
- uses SNMP and PING to graphically display the state of the network.
- ftp.jvnc.net:jvncnet-packages/nocol/ NOCOL - Network Operations Center OnLine
- From: aggarwal@nisc.jvnc.net (Vikas Aggarwal)
- NOCOL (NOC-On Line) is a network monitoring package for TCP/IP
- networks.
- Has monitors for reachability, SNMP traps, nameserver, thruput.
- Uses curses display, runs on Unix. Future enhancements intended for
- SNMP variables, etc.
- aarnet.edu.au:/pub/gwtraffic AARNet Traffic Monitoring
- This document describes the implementation of the 'new' AARNet traffic
- monitoring application. The application is composed of several (sh)
- shell script programs, together with an SNMP application (GWTRAFFIC)
- and an interactive plotting program (GNUPLOT).
- Re: perl & SNMP
- There are two solutions: one requires patches to perl,
- the other (Tricklet, see above) uses an external program.
- Contact gmstreet@guy.b30.ingr.com for information on his
- extension/patches to perl for SNMP. It might be available via FTP on
- liasun3.epfl.ch:/pub/net/snmp/snmpperl*
- Re: "The Internet Rover" contact wbn@merit.edu
- -----------------------------------Thanks, Bruce!
- -----------------------Paul Boot writes:
- I have a small contribution to the FAQ concerning SNMP FTP sites.
- For the European users this site will be usefull:
- src.doc.ic.ac.uk
- dir: computing/comms/tcpip/snmp
- This dir contains Tricklet, xsnmp, xnetdb and others.
- -------------------------Danke, Paul!
- @2.
- Subject: What CMIP software is available?
- -------------------------------------
- A. Public Domain Software is available from University College
- London, UK as follows:
- Graham Knight writes:
- >OSIMIS is not a supported package and no guarantees are offered about
- >its operation. You may use it and adapt it to your own use but this is
- >entirely at your own risk. We may be able
- >to help with any problems you have but we can offer no guarantees -
- >there is very little effort to spare for this at UCL.
- >1. Internet
- > If you can FTP to the Internet, you can use anonymous FTP to
- > cs.ucl.ac.uk [] and retrieve the files
- > osimis/osimis-3.tar.Z (a 2.2 Mb compressed tar image),
- > osimis/osimis-manual-1.ps.Z (0.4 Mb of compressed postrcript).
- > If you do not have InterViews-2.6, you may also retrieve the files
- > osimis/InterViews-2.6.tar.Z (a 3.4 Mb compressed tar image) and
- > osimis/InterViews.README (a text file).
- >2. FTAM on the IPSS, JANET or IXI
- > If you can use FTAM over X.25, you can use anonymous FTAM to the
- > host 23421920030013 through IPSS, 00000511160013 through JANET
- > or 20433450420113 through IXI with TSEL 259 (acsii encoding).
- > You should log in as "anon" and retrieve the files
- > osimis/osimis-3.tar.Z (a 2.2 Mb compressed tar image) and
- > osimis/osimis-manual-1.ps.Z (0.4 Mb of compressed postrcript).
- > If you do not have InterViews-2.6, you may also retrieve the files
- > osimis/InterViews-2.6.tar.Z (a 3.4 Mb compressed tar image) and
- > osimis/InterViews.README (a text file).
- > For information only:
- > Telephone: +44-71-380-7215 (George Pavlou)
- > +44-71-380-7366 (Graham Knight)
- > Fax: +44-71-387-1397
- > Telex: 28722
- > Internet: <osimis@cs.ucl.ac.uk>
- @1.
- Subject: What is a MIB?
- -----------------
- A collection of objects which describe an SNMP managable entity.
- An Important Note: There IS ONLY ONE SNMP MIB. All these other "MIBs"
- which are cited herein are extensions to *the* SNMP MIB. Popular usage
- and strict definition do not agree on this point, so be careful in how
- and when you talk about the plural of MIB.
- @2.
- Subject: What are MIB-I and MIB-II
- -----------------------------
- MIB-I was the first SNMP MIB accepted as standard.
- MIB-II added some much-needed objects, and has become
- the standard SNMP MIB.
- Note that SNMPv2 expands upon MIB-II with new groups
- and objects, and is therefore not MIB-II but includes
- Dave Jagoda (dj@netlabs.com) writes to provide ...
- " ... some useful RFC's that I think might be of general
- interest (particularly since I think many people don't realize these
- exist and might try to invent something like these on their own).
- They all have in common the fact that they are assigned under the
- mib-2 portion of the tree."
- RFC1158, RFC1213, RFC1215: mib-2 ( 1 - 11 ) mib-2
- -------------------------------------------
- In the case of MIB-2 (12), brock@cs.unca.edu writes:
- In RFC 1229, Extension to the Generica-Interface MIB, the
- objects in ifExtensions, experimental (6), are defined.
- In RFC 1239, some experimental MIBs are reassigned to standard MIBs.
- At that time, the Generic IF objects are reassigned to mib-2 (12).
- However, RFC 1573 officially "obsoletes" RFC 1229, by defining
- a new class objects, in mib(30) and mib(31) that replace the
- the ones of RFC 1229.
- Also, there seems to be a new RFC -- RFC 1657 -- for mib-2 (15), BGP.
- -------------------------------------------
- RFC1243: mib-2 ( 13 ) appletalk
- RFC1253: mib-2 ( 14 ) ospf
- RFC1269: mib-2 ( 15 ) bgp (obsolete?)
- RFC1657: mib-2 ( 15 ) BGP (current?)
- RFC1271: mib-2 ( 16 ) rmon
- RFC1286: mib-2 ( 17 ) dot1dBridge
- RFC1289: mib-2 ( 18 ) phiv
- RFC1316: mib-2 ( 19 ) char
- RFC1353: mib-2 ( 20 - 21) snmpParties, snmpSecrets
- RFC1368: mib-2 ( 22 ) snmpDot3RptrMgt
- RFC1389: mib-2 ( 23 ) rip2
- RFC1414: mib-2 ( 24 ) ident
- RFC1514: mib-2 ( 25 ) host
- RFC1515: mib-2 ( 26 ) 802.3 MAUs
- RFC1565: mib-2 ( 27 ) network services
- RFC1566: mib-2 ( 28 ) mail
- RFC1567: mib-2 ( 29 ) X.500 directory
- RFC1573: mib-2 ( 30 ) "IANA ifType"
- RFC1573: mib-2 ( 31 ) "Interfaces Group"
- RFC1611: mib-2 ( 32 ) DNS server
- RFC1628: mib-2 ( 33 ) UPS
- RFC1666: mib-2 ( 34 ) SNA NAUs
- @3.
- Subject: What are enterprise MIBs?
- -----------------------------
- An enterprise MIB is a MIB created by an enterprise [company, etc] to
- define a set of objects that are related to some product[s] from this
- enterprise, and that the enterprise agrees to make public
- so that network managers can use the MIB to manage some products from this
- enterprise.
- Here are some enterprises that have their own enterprise MIB :
- Proteon, IBM, CMU, ACC...
- - Paul Rolland
- Note: There are now hundreds of enterprise MIB numbers assigned.
- @4.
- Subject: Where can I get enterprise MIBs?
- ------------------------------------
- A. Try anonymous ftp to venera.isi.edu in mib/
- B. For now: see Section II
- [more to come on this topic]
- @5.
- Subject: How can I register an enterprise MIB?
- ------------------------------------------
- Judy Bettinger writes:
- - A.5 (page 265) in "The Simple Book" shows how to apply.
- - You can email to iana@isi.edu.
- - You can just call Joe Kemp at IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers
- Authority). The number is 310-822-1511. (Someone else gave me
- the same number, but with area code 213. Maybe the Californians can
- tell us which is the correct one.) He'll ask you a few questions
- and give you your number. This is faster than e-mail.
- - You can snail mail:
- Joe Kemp
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
- USC/Information Sciences Institute
- 4676 Admiralty Way
- Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
- --
- Mark Wallace
- Harris Corporation, Electronic Systems, Melbourne, Florida, USA
- mwallace@sur3ax.ess.harris.com
- If you utilize GNU Emacs, a profile is available which makes
- Emacs set up specifically for ASN.1 editing. Contact David
- C. Brower via dbrower@us.oracle.com.
- @5a.
- Subject: Where can I find the current Enterprise Number Assignments?
- -----------------
- SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes:
- Prefix: iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise (
- This file is
- ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/enterprise-numbers
- @6.
- Subject: What is the SMI?
- -------------------
- "In order for the MIB to serve the needs of a network-management
- system, it must meet two objectives:
- 1. The object or objects used to represent a particular resource
- must be the same at each node. [...]
- 2. A common scheme for representation must be used to support
- interoperability." - William Stallings, op. cit. below
- In both Internet and OSI network management these two objectives
- are met by a common structure of managment information (SMI)
- which is defined in RFC 1155. The SMI is the specification
- for the tree of MIB objects which which provides a means of
- associating a common numerical identification code for a
- given object.
- The top of the SMI tree is the familiar mapping:
- iso = 1
- org = 3
- dod = 6
- internet = 1
- mgmt = 2
- mib-2 = 1
- which is the global root prefix of every SNMP MIB object.
- For more details, read:
- I4B. SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The Practical Guide to
- Network Management Standards
- by: William Stallings
- @7.
- Subject: What is ASN.1?
- -------------------
- ASN.1 : This is an Abstract Syntax Notation One. ASN.1 is an language used to
- define the formats of the PDUs that are exchanged by SNMP entities, and also
- used to defined the objects that are managed thru SNMP. This is a formal
- language, with a grammar that has been defined in :
- Information Processing - Open System Interconnection - Specification of
- Abstract Syntax Notation ONE (ASN.1).
- International Organization for Standardization
- (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Committee,
- 1987. International Standard 8824.
- In ASN.1, you can define Modules, which are collections of ASN.1 descriptions,
- each description referring to an object. Possible objects are :
- types, values and macros. Types can be both simple or constructed,
- constructed types being based on one or more simple types.
- Simple types are : Integer, Octet String, Object Identifier, NULL.
- - Paul Rolland
- ASN.1 is well defined and explained in three of the books mentioned in
- this FAQ:
- From Philipp Hoschka:
- "I've assembled a number of ASN.1-related internet resources
- and included them in my homepage."
- The mosaic URL is:
- ftp://zenon.inria.fr/rodeo/hoschka/hoschka.html
- and look in "ASN.1 Resources".
- "Additions are welcome, but only in the form of working
- html references, please."
- I4F. Open Systems Networking: OSI & TCP/IP
- by: David Piscitello & A. L. Chapin
- I4B. SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: The Practical Guide to
- Network Management Standards
- by: William Stallings
- I41A. The Open Book: A Practical Perspective on OSI
- by: Marshall T. Rose
- ALSO:::::
- >>ASN.1 is also defined in ITU (formerly CCITT) recommendation X.208.
- >>X.208 is electroniccaly available from itu document store:
- >>This is zip'ed postscript file of english version.
- >>Taavi Talvik
- [ Below is a revised address sent to Dave Waddell by Bob Shaw ]
- "Here's a new URL. We're in the midst of a software upgrade here so there
- may be service interruptions. These are in ZIPPED Postscript format.
- [X.208] Recommendation X.208 - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation On
- e (ASN.1)
- //info.itu.ch:70/11/.1/itudoc/public/gophertree/.1/.itu-t/.rec/.x/.22887
- You might also be interested in:
- [X.209] Recommendation X.209 - Specification of basic encoding rules for Ab
- stract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
- //info.itu.ch:70/11/.1/itudoc/public/gophertree/.1/.itu-t/.rec/.x/.24177
- Go a couple of levels up to see other Recommendations."
- @A
- Subject: Appendix A. Glossary
- --------------------
- @B
- Subject: Appendix B. Acknowledgements & Credits
- ---------------------------------------
- Some folks have sent in contributions, while
- others have contributed unwittingly by the
- nature of their posts.
- The assistance of each of the following folks
- in the creation of this document is hereby
- gratefully acknowledged:
- --- o0o ---
- Robert Babb (babbr@roadrunner.pictel.com)
- Bruce Barnett <barnett@crd.ge.com>
- David Battle <battle@seymour16.snmp.com>
- Judy Bettinger (judy@evolving.com)
- Paul W. Boot (boot@einstein.et.tudelft.nl)
- J. Dean Brock (brock@cs.unca.edu)
- Huei-Ping Chen (hpchen@eng.adaptec.com)
- Tom Cikoski (panther@seltd.newnet.com)
- Jeffrey S. Curtis (curtis@anl.gov)
- Robin Cutshaw (robin@paros.com)
- Arnold de Leon (arnold@synopsys.com)
- George Dolbier (georged@sequent.com)
- Jeff Drew (drew@mtung.att.com)
- Michael A. Erlinger (erlinger@aero.org)
- Moritz Farbstein (moritz@il.us.swissbank.com)
- Sidnie Feit <feit-sidnie@MATH.YALE.EDU>
- Jude A. George (heyjude@netcom.com)
- Richard L. Gralnik (rlg@patuxent.desktalk.com)
- Eric van Hengstum (hengstum@cs.utwente.nl)
- Philipp Hoschka (hoschka@zenon.inria.fr)
- Hsing-Kuo Hua (hkhua@newton.ee.ucla.edu)
- Dave Jagoda (dj@netlabs.com)
- Earl Jones (earl%sch.com)
- Russell Jones (rcjones@na.SJF.Novell.COM)
- Graham Knight (G.Knight@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
- Cheryl Krupczak (cheryl@empiretech.com)
- Simon Leinen (simon@lia.di.epfl.ch)
- Christophe Meessen (meessen@marina.in2p3.fr)
- David Partain (partain@europe.snmp.com)
- Dave Perkins (dperkins@synoptics.com)
- David Pascoe (davidp@qpsx.oz.au)
- Paul Rolland (rol@grasp1.univ-lyon1.fr)
- Richard Schneider (rschneid@erc.epson.com)
- Juergen Schoenwaelder (schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de)
- Frances K. Selkirk (fks@ftp.com)
- Christian Seyb (cs@gold.muc.de)
- Robert Slade (ROBERTS@decus.ca)
- Bill Stallings (72500.3562@compuserve.com)
- Judi Theg Talley <judi@cs.utk.edu>
- Taavi Talvik <taavi@vs.ee>
- Ruediger Volk (rv@deins.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE)
- Dave Waddell (waddell@posc.org)
- Mark Wallace (mwallace@sur3ax.ess.harris.com)
- Andreas Weder (awe@zurich.ibm.com)
- Phil Wentworth (phil@uunet.UU.NET)
- Pete Wilson (pwilson@world.std.com)
- Bruce Wollen (bruce@nds.com)
- Ralph C Wolman <rcw@netrix.com>
- PS: Some of the above EMail addresses will bounce.
- Sorry.
- --- o0o ---
- Subject: A Special, Personal Thanks
- --------------------------
- My meager, threadbare knowledge of SNMP and SNMPv2 would be
- all the more so except for the patient attention of
- Jeff Case and Steve Waldbusser. These two fellows are
- not only masters of their craft, they are also true
- gentlemen in every sense of the word. My gratitude.
- - Tom Cikoski
- And a large Milk Bone to Mutley, the SNMP dog from
- down on the farm -- inspiration for the motto
- "that dog'll hunt!"
- Editor's Note: We learned recently that Mutley is near unto
- that time when all old dogs go to The Big Yard Full of Slow
- Rabbits. Fare well, ol' dawg!
- Subject: "Truth in Publishing" Notice:
- -----------------------------
- This FAQ is maintained by Tom Cikoski
- of Panther Digital Corporation, Danbury Connecticut, USA,
- using Internet access paid for by Panther Digital for its
- business use, which includes EMail, ftp, telnet, etc.
- Panther Digital Corporation sells/resells network management
- products and services, including SNMP managers and tools.
- Panther Digital is a reseller for some products and services
- named in the above FAQ. This FAQ is provided as a service to
- the readers of this newsgroup, and in no way represents an
- attempt by Panther Digital Corporation to market its wares.
- Subject: --- END OF SNMP FAQ ---
- --
- ( )_( ) Panther Digital Corporation
- \. ./ Danbury, CT, USA
- _=.=_ (203) 746-0753
- " panther@seltd.newnet.com